Parent Teacher Org
Upcoming Meetings
Our next PTO Meeting is on Tuesday, March 11th at 6pm in rooom 103.
Come in person or Join Virtually via our Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 743 6104 8297

Meeting Agenda
Previous Meeting Minutes

About the PTO
PTO stands for Parent Teacher Organization. Here at AACMS, we recognize that parental & family involvement is crucial to success of our students and our school. Our PTO is open to ALL Parents, Guardians, & Caregivers in our school community. We meet the first Tuesday of every month, subject to change based on the needs of the group, but all changes will be publicized here, on social media, and in our newsletter. We exist primarily to help run Events and Fundraisers that benefit our students. The structure of our PTO is below. Click on the image to view a full-sized PDF.
PTO Organizational Chart
Get Involved with PTO
We are always accepting new members! Please fill out the form below to let us know you'd like to join, and we will contact you with more information. You are also welcome to show up to our meetings at any time!