The Admissions Process
Thank you for your interest in Arts Academy Charter Middle School!  All new students must complete the Admissions Process described below prior to enrolling at our school.  Students must demonstrate a strong interest in or passion for the arts in the interview & audition process to be considered for enrollment.  Please take a moment to review this important information and contact us with any questions.

Step 1: Learn More About AACMS
The best way to learn about our school is by attending an Admissions Open House! During an Open House, you’ll have the opportunity to attend an information session, meet members of our faculty and staff, and participate in a Q&A session with our team.

2025 Winter Open House Dates:
Tuesday, January 14th • 6pm–7:30pm
Saturday, January 25th • 10am–11:30am
Wednesday, March 12th • 6:00pm – 7:30pm

To reserve your spot, please click here: March 12th Open House Signups

Questions? Contact our Registrar's Office:
610.351.0234 ext. 512

In addition, you can always use our website to learn more about AACMS, our arts-focused curriculum, student activities and programs, and the admissions process. Please also feel free to contact us by phone or email with any questions – we’re here to help!

Step 2: Apply
Each prospective student must complete and submit the New Student Application in order to begin the enrollment process. Please be sure to include accurate contact information on this form so we can update you throughout the enrollment process.

Before you complete the application, you will need to create an account with our enrollment platform. You can use a single account to submit applications for multiple students. If your child is accepted to AACMS, you will use the same account to complete the enrollment process online.

Apply Online Now!
2024–2025 School Year Applications:
English Application
Spanish Application

**NEW** 2025–2026 School Year Applications:
English Application
Spanish Application
Step 3: Shadowing Experience

Potential students will have the opportunity to spend the day here at AACMS shadowing a student in the grade and art form they are interested in.  We will have select dates reserved for shadowing. Shadow dates are scheduled on a first come, first served basis. Space is limited. If you are unable to attend during a scheduled date, please note we are not able to schedule additional days. An application must be submitted in order to schedule a shadow date.  Students will report to the main office at 8am.  They will meet with a current student at time and will be escorted to their class. They will participate in their arts and academic classes. We recommend that students bring their own lunch.

Step 4: Interview
Each applicant participates in a New Student Interview, during which the student meets with two AACMS teachers. During their interview, applicants should expect to answer a few questions about themselves and demonstrate their talents and abilities in the primary artistic area selected on their application.  

Each of our arts departments has specific requirements for their New Student Interviews. We encourage applicants and their families to review these guidelines and take some time to prepare in advance of their interview date. Each applicant participates in a New Student Interview, during which the student meets with two AACMS teachers.

                                                                              Interview Requirements 

AACMS typically schedules New Student Interviews for fall enrollment in February, March, and June each year. Interviews for enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year will begin in February 2025 and conclude in June 2025.

Winter Interviews will take place on Friday, February 14th. All students who wish to interview on this date MUST apply by Monday, February 3rd.

New Student Interviews will be conducted in-person. Parents can suggest to have a virtual interview. Those interviews will be scheduled outside of the in-person interview times.  Please visit our New Student Interviews page for details. 

Step 5: Admissions Decisions
AACMS will provide an admissions decision to each applicant according to the following schedule:
Round Interview Dates Decision Sent
1 February - March 18 April 1, 2025
2 March 27 - April 28 May 12, 2025
3 May 1 - June 9 June 12, 2025

Each applicant will receive a letter via email with one of three decisions: Accepted, Waitlisted, or Not Accepted. Admissions decisions are NOT available prior to the distribution dates outlined above.  

Please note: Summer and fall applicants will be contacted for New Student Interviews based on program and grade level availability. These applicants may be waitlisted until space becomes available in their grade level or artistic discipline.  

Step 6: Enroll
Parents/guardians of accepted students MUST confirm their child’s enrollment according to the instructions sent with the admissions decision letter. This information is necessary for AACMS to finalize the child's enrollment and begin arranging for student transportation. If you have questions about your child’s enrollment status, please contact the AACMS Main Office for assistance.  

AACMS holds parent information sessions and student orientations each summer, just prior to the start of the new school year. We distribute information about these events via our website and email newsletters.  
If you have any questions about the application, interview, or enrollment process, please contact us!
(610) 351-0234 ext. 512