Grading & Other School Procedures
This page outlines AACMS grading policies as well as other general school procedures and programs.
Grading & Promotion
Grading and Promotion Policies are outlined further in Board Policy AACS 3.1.1.  View Board Policies.
Grading Scale
Grade Description Range
A Excellent 90-100%
B Very Good 80-89%
C Satisfactory 70-79%
D Poor 65-69%
F Failing 64% or Below
A student who has failed Math or English at the end of the school year must complete the required course recovery in the summer immediately after the school year ends and prior to the new school year beginning. Summer course recovery classes must be paid for by the student and family and is offered in an online version by eLearn21 through the Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit 21. The student’s report card will not be released until the school receives proof of completion of the required course(s). 

Concerns regarding a student’s promotion to the next grade level must be discussed between the student’s teachers, the Student Success Team (SST), and the family starting by the end of the 2nd quarter of the school year. The Grade Level Team, the SST, and the family and student will discuss methods of intervention towards progressing the student through the grade level curriculum with the goal of promotion at the end of the school year. Each student’s situation will be addressed individually.
General School Procedures
Please browse the sections below for more information on general school procedures and programs.
A student will have “arrived” to school when they have successfully logged into their Homeroom activity for the day.  In most cases this will be an ASYNCHRONOUS period and students will be required to submit an attendance activity in order to be marked “Present” for this class period.  

During our virtual learning period, students will only participate in their Primary art focus.  Students will have an opportunity later in the school year to submit a request to change their art focus for the 2021-2022 school year. 

The back parking lot is for AACMS staff only.  No parents or visitors may park in the back parking lot without prior permission from the Principal or Executive Director.

Parents must complete change of address paperwork when they are moving or have moved. You must also provide a proof of address.  The AACMS Transportation Coordinator will then contact the school districts providing busing with the address change information. This process must be completed through our office, and the school districts require some lead time to make the adjustment.  Please contact to obtain the necessary materials.

If a student or parent/guardian has a question or concern about a school policy or an employee, the following procedure should be followed in order to address the concern as quickly as possible.  Note: Communication should be clear and professional in nature.  Inappropriate communication is not productive and will be addressed by the administration.

  1. Contact the teacher/staff member about whom you have a question or concern to discuss the concern. Faculty and Staff may be contacted via e-mail addresses.  The format for e-mail addresses is first initial last; e.g.,  
  2.  If after contacting the teacher or staff member involved a resolution has not been reached, please contact Elaine Hersh ( or Shawn Lynch (slynch@arts-arts.cs). 
Cellphone use, is prohibited during all SYNCHRONOUS learning activities.
Notifications will be sent the school day after a student has been marked absent and the school was not aware.  If you have any questions about notifications you may have received, please contact the Main Office at

It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to inform the office of any changes related to phone numbers, email address, home address and emergency contacts.  This can be done by contacting the Main Office,  

Guidance services are available for every student at AACMS.  Please see our Guidance page for more information.
AACMS offers breakfast and lunch for the benefit of the student body.  We participate in the National School Lunch Program, thus providing students with nutritious meals at a nominal fee.  Families must apply/reapply each year for free or reduced lunch.  Apply for free or reduced meals  online through SchoolCafe.  For more information, please visit our School Nutrition Program page.

Students must respect school property.  It is costly to replace this property, therefore, students will be held accountable for damages.  Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • All equipment loaned (long-term or daily) to students must be returned.  If items are lost, stolen, or damaged, the student is responsible for replacement costs.
  • Graffiti and other defacing or destruction of school property will result in disciplinary action, restitution, and/or notification to the police. 
  • Students and families may be held financially responsible for all damages to school provided technology, accidental or otherwise.
The school nurse is available for students who become ill in school or require medical assistance.  
The School Nurse also handles the administration of medication to students as well as state-mandated health screenings.   Fore more information, please visit our Health Room page.
Visitors are prohibited from entering the building without an appointment.